Why some collections do not have site usage indicators?
To compute the site usage data it is necessary that the log files must be send for processing. The absense of usage indicators must be notified for the coordinators of the specific SciELO collection.
Why the available periods of the usage indicators differs from one collection to another?
The available period of each of the collections depends on the available period of the access logs of each of the collections. This project undertakes to compute the site usage data from 2012, once the logs are properly provided by the collections.
What is being computed?
Are being computed and classified the accesses to the full text in HTML, PDF, EPDF (ReadCube), besides the accesses to the abstract pages in the website.
Why the indicators of this tool differs from the indicators delivered by other SciELO sites?
- Some SciELO tools may still be using the old statistics service access.
- The site usage accounting differs in a lot of aspects from the previous tool.
- Some tools have a delta of different updating access indicators.
What is the updating frequency of the indicators?
Why some collections have out of date indicators?
The data refresh depends on processes that involve each of the certified SciELO collections. The update of these indicators is directly linked to the proper conduct of these processes by each of the collections.
What is being computed?
This chart show the total of documents by the affiliation country of the authors. The total of documents of this chart can not be considered as the total of publications of the collection once the documents may have more than one affiliation country.
What is the updating frequency of the indicators?