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Costa Rica
Lankesteriana (1409-3871)
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Top 100 articles by number of accesses

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Diversidad y vulnerabilidad de la flora orquideológica de un bosque montano nuboso del Valle Central de Costa Rica 615 117 0 33 765
An updated checklist of the orchids of Maharashtra, India 558 36 0 27 621
An annotated checklist of the orchids of western Himalaya, India 390 54 0 12 456
Orquídeas de Bolivia y Perú, novedades taxonómicas I (Pleurothallidinae) 374 29 0 22 425
Orchids in the era of grigory von langsdorff: two golden decades in the history of the botanical exploration of Brazil (1813-1830) 330 51 0 14 395
A new checklist of orchid species from Cuba 312 65 0 11 388
Vegetative anatomy of the orchid bulbophyllum sterile (orchidaceae: epidendroideae) 302 73 0 13 388
An updated checklist of the orchidaceae of Panama 105 248 0 13 366
An integrated strategy for the conservation and sustainable use of native vanilla species in Colombia 284 34 0 18 336
The genus vanda (orchidaceae: aeridinae) in the philippines: two new species and a key to the species in the archipelago 187 100 0 30 317
Relación Fenología-Clima De Cuatro Especies De Orquídeas En Un Bosque Altoandino De Colombia 233 29 0 27 289
Orchid Distribution and Bioclimatic Niches as a Strategy to Climate Change in Areas Of Tropical Dry Forest In Colombia 237 24 0 22 283
Novelties in the Orchid Flora of the Municipality Of Benedito Novo, Santa Catarina, Brazil, and an Updated Checklist 229 28 0 20 277
Recent advances on evolution of pollination systems and reproductive biology of vanilloideae (orchidaceae) 153 50 0 36 239
Nuevos registros de orchidaceae para Honduras 189 19 0 17 225
Efecto del herbicida glifosato en hongos endófitos de raíz y keikis de Epidendrum melinanthum (orchidaceae) 181 9 0 22 212
A novel seed baiting technique for the epiphytic orchid rhynchostele cer vantesii, a means to acquire mycorrhizal fungi from protocorms 124 67 0 11 202
Genera Pleurothallidinarum: An updated phylogenetic overview of pleurothallidinae 167 18 0 15 200
Annotated list of orchidaceae types of the Bennett collection at the forestry herbarium mol 158 21 0 17 196
Cypripedium calceolus (orchidaceae) in central russia: a case study for its populations in two protected areas in the republic of mordovia (russia) 158 10 0 20 188
The Andean Genus Myrosmodes (Orchidaceae, Cranichideae) in Peru 115 21 0 51 187
Pollination ecology of Rodriguezia granadensis (orchidaceae) 129 27 0 24 180
Two new species and new records of Platystele (Pleurothallidinae: Orchidaceae) from Los Cedros Reserve en Ecuador 114 32 0 33 179
Maxillariaaureoglobula (orchidaceae, maxillariinae): a new record from Brazil 148 10 0 9 167
A new record of Bulbophyllum section Aeschynanthoides from Vietnam 119 27 0 17 163
On the “seidenfaden collection” and the multiple roles botanical gardens can play in orchid conservation 120 21 0 21 162
Protocorm-like bodies and plant regeneration from foliar explants of Coelogyne flaccida, a horticulturally and medicinally important endangered orchid of eastern himalaya 113 13 0 25 151
Active tectonic and volcanic mountain building as agents of rapid environmental changes and increased orchid diversity and long-distance orchid dispersal in the tropical Americas: opportunities and challenges 127 16 0 8 151
A new spotted Chiloschista (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae) from Bhutan 102 25 0 23 150
Pioneers of the botanical exploration of south america - early 19 th century jean-théodore descourtilz (1796-1855) 129 12 0 7 148
Evolutionary diversification and historical biogeography of the orchidaceae in Central America with Emphasis on Costa Rica and Panama 100 17 0 26 143
Trichoglottis corazoniae (Orchidaceae: Vandeae: aeridinae), a new species from the Philippines 124 6 0 11 141
Genera Pleurothallidinarum: The Era of Carlyle Luer 102 10 0 19 131
A New Species of Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from Valle del Cauca, Colombia and A Note on the Relationship between Subsections Macrophyllae-Racemosae and Antenniferae 103 8 0 20 131
A new small-flowered natural Odontoglossum hybrid(Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae) from Ecuador 101 9 0 18 128
In Memoriam: Moises Behar (1922-2015) 120 6 0 0 126
New Species and Nomenclatural Notes in Pabstiella(Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from Brazil 82 25 0 18 125
Nectary structure and nectar in Sobralia and Elleanthus (sobralieae: orchidaceae) 92 12 0 20 124
Two new species of Echinosepala (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) 85 8 0 31 124
Riqueza de la familia orchidaceae en la zona de visitantes del Parque Nacional Cerro Azul Meámbar de Honduras 78 25 0 20 123
Morphometric analysis of vanilla seeds (orchidaceae) by microscopic techniques 92 12 0 16 120
Main fungal partners and different levels of specificity of orchid mycorrhizae in the tropical mountain forests of Ecuador 94 17 0 9 120
Goodyera fusca (orchidaceae): a new record for Kashmir Himalaya, India 95 15 0 8 118
Cuatro nuevos registros de orchidaceae para honduras 100 9 0 8 117
A new species of cyrtochilum (orchidaceae: oncidiinae) from the eastern cordillera of Colombia 78 18 0 21 117
Scaphosepalum Zieglerae , a showy new species in the genus (Pleurothallidinae: Orchidaceae) 90 10 0 16 116
Ecología y estructura poblacional del endemismo cubano Tetramicra malpighiarum (orchidaceae),en el Parque Nacional Desembarco del Granma, Cuba 95 9 0 11 115
A new species of pleurothallis (orchidaceae: pleurothallidinae) from Quito, Ecuador 82 12 0 19 113
Novelties in Costa Rican Stelis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae): Two new species and a new record in the “Dracontia Group” 73 3 0 36 112
The “four footed” lepanthes (pleurothallidinae), a new species from north-western Ecuador 95 5 0 11 111
Osmophore diversity in the catasetum cristatum alliance (orchidaceae: catasetinae) 69 28 0 13 110
Pelatantheria woonchengii, a new addition for the orchid flora of Vietnam 82 10 0 18 110
A clarification of the taxonomy Of Pleurothallis Crocodiliceps (Pleurothallidinae, Orchidaceae) and four new species of Pleurothallis in Subgenus Ancipitia 82 7 0 18 107
The genus palmorchis (orchidaceae: neottiae) in Peru: a taxonomic synopsis including four new species and a new record 71 14 0 22 107
A clarification of the distinctions between Pleurothallis Talpinaria and Pleurothallis Trimeroglossa (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) and an allied new species from Ecuador 79 5 0 20 104
Epidendrum lasiostachyum (orchidaceae): a new colombian species of the epidendrum macrostachyum group 76 10 0 15 101
Sertifera, a new generic record for the peruvian orchid flora 70 8 0 22 100
Two new species of Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from Costa Rica in the P. Phyllocardia group 76 6 0 16 98
A new species of Brachionidium (Pleurothallidinae: Orchidaceae) from The High Montane Forest in The Central Jungle of Peru 62 15 0 20 97
Precursors of the Botanical Exploration of South America. Wilhelm Piso (1611-1678) and Georg Marcgrave (1610-1644) 64 18 0 14 96
Masdevallia Luerorum (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) , a new species from Costa Rica 67 4 0 25 96
Four new species of Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from The Valle del Cauca Department in Colombia 68 7 0 20 95
Four new combinations of the genera bulbophyllumand dendrobium (orchidaceae) from the Philippines 56 20 0 19 95
From the past to the future - glacial refugia, current distribution patterns and future potential range changes Of Diodonopsis (Orchidaceae) representatives 49 14 0 31 94
Two new species of Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) allied to P. Cardiothallis , with a note on flower activity 70 3 0 21 94
A new species of selenipedium(orchidaceae: cypripedioideae) from ecuador 74 7 0 12 93
Platystele Pamelae ( Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae), A New Species From Ecuador 55 8 0 30 93
Porroglossum Raoi , a New Species of Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) From Ecuador 59 9 0 23 91
First wild record of Dendrochilum warrenii (orchidaceae: epidendroideae) confirms a philippine provenance 67 5 0 18 90
Two novelties in genus Platystele (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from Costa Rica 64 4 0 20 88
Four new Teagueia (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from the upper Río Pastaza watershed of East-Central Ecuador 63 7 0 17 87
An attractive new but rarely seen odontoglossum (Orchidaceae: oncidiinae) from Ecuador 63 14 0 7 84
A new species of catasetum (orchidaceae, epidendroideae, cymbidieae) from the southern brazilian amazon 58 4 0 22 84
A Showy New Platystele (Pleurothallidinae: Orchidaceae) From Northwest Ecuador 40 18 0 26 84
Specialized herbivory on inflorescence stalks of trichocentrum undulatum (orchidaceae) by melanagromyza sp. (Diptera: agromyzidae) in Cuba 63 9 0 12 84
Additions to the Costa Rican Myoxanthus (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae ) 45 16 0 21 82
A new species of Andinia Subgen . Brachycladium (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from Colombia 58 4 0 19 81
Diodonopsis Ramiromedinae (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae), a new species from Colombia 49 6 0 24 79
Root anatomy of Galeandra leptoceras (orchidaceae) 57 12 0 9 78
Three new species of pleurothallis (orchidaceae: pleurothallidinae) in subsection macrophyllaefasciculatae from northern south america 64 4 0 10 78
A new large-flowered Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae) from Ecuador, named in honor of two orchid research legends 41 15 0 22 78
A new species of catasetum (orchidaceae: catasetinae) from casanare, colombia 59 6 0 13 78
A New Species of Lepanthes (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) From Colombia with A Large and Protruding Column 54 7 0 15 76
A New and striking spathoglottis (Orchidaceae: Collabiinae), honoring her majesty the queen of bhutan 46 11 0 19 76
Rediscovery of Malaxis nana (Orchidaceae: Malaxideae) in Costa Rica, with an updated description 35 22 0 15 72
Uso del microhábitat por Encyclia pyriformis (orchidaceae) en la reserva ecológica los pretiles, Cuba 33 14 0 23 70
Three new species of Masdevallia (orchidaceae: pleurothallidinae) from the ayacucho and puno regions in Peru 46 8 0 15 69
A new species of pleurothallis (orchidaceae: pleurothallidinae) in subsection macrophyllae-fasciculatae with a unique, highly reduced, morphologically distinct labellum 52 4 0 12 68
Scaphosepalum tarantula (orchidaceae: pleurothallidinae), a new species from Ecuador 45 3 0 20 68
A new natural hybrid of broughtonia(orchidaceae) from Cuba 50 7 0 7 64
The effect of smoke derivatives and carbon utilisation on symbiotic germination of the endangered Pterostylis despectans (orchidaceae) 45 5 0 12 62
New species and nomenclatural notes in acianthera from Brazil 42 9 0 9 60
A new and previously misidentified cyrtochilum (orchidaceae: oncidiinae) from the high plains of central Ecuador 44 6 0 9 59
Macroclinium chasei (orchidaceae, oncidiinae): a new record for brazil 44 8 0 7 59
Pleurothallis chicalensis, a new species in subsection macrophyllae-fasciculatae (orchidaceae: pleurothallidinae) from northwestern Ecuador 46 5 0 8 59
Floral sexual differentiation in catasetumfimbriatum (catasetinae, orchidaceae) exposed to different light intensities 47 4 0 7 58
The orchidaceae of primitiae florae essequeboensis (1818) 43 6 0 9 58
Why we have no serious alternatives but cooperative taxonomy 33 10 0 13 56
A paperless journal, but still on paper nevertheless 50 6 0 0 56
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