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Top 100 articles by number of accesses

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The Role of Language in the Identity Formation of Transnational EFL Teachers 1553 166 0 1 1720
Using an Audiovisual Materials-Based Teaching Strategy to Improve EFL Young Learners’ Understanding of Instructions 1321 23 0 0 1344
The Procedural Syllabus and the Task Syllabus: How Similar, How Different? 881 26 0 1 908
Creativity in the English Class: Activities to Promote EFL Learning 593 170 0 19 782
The Impact of Project Work and the Writing Process Method on Writing Production 680 8 0 1 689
Reflection on Teachers’ Personal and Professional Growth Through a Materials Development Seminar 666 13 0 3 682
Needs Analysis in English for Academic Purposes: The Case of Teaching Assistants at the University of Khartoum 176 348 0 8 532
Exploring Students' Perceptions About English Learning in a Public University 352 30 0 12 394
Language Assessment Practices and Beliefs: Implications for Language Assessment Literacy 327 31 0 4 362
Motivation in Second Language Learning: A Historical Overview and Its Relevance in a Public High School in Pasto, Colombia 284 30 0 36 350
Extensive Listening in a Colombian University: Process, Product, and Perceptions 319 24 0 1 344
Othering: Towards a Critical Cultural Awareness in the Language Classroom 297 32 0 7 336
Reflective Teaching: An Approach to Enrich the English Teaching Professional Practice 172 126 0 6 304
Impact of a Professional Development Program on EFL Teachers’ Performance 269 22 0 10 301
A Radio Program: a Strategy to Develop Students’ Speaking and Citizenship Skills 207 14 0 13 234
Can Working Memory Strategies Enhance English Vocabulary Learning? 184 31 0 8 223
Influence of Strategies-Based Feedback in Students' Oral Performance 192 20 0 0 212
Cooperative Learning With a Focus on the Social: A Pedagogical Proposal for the EFL Classroom 189 9 0 4 202
A Virtual Learning Object (VLO) to Promote Reading Strategies in an English for Specific Purposes Environment 168 9 0 17 194
Review and Analysis of the Colombian Foreign Language Bilingualism Policies and Plans 130 20 0 11 161
Pre-Service English Teachers' Voices About the Teaching Practicum 104 52 0 2 158
Reading Comprehension Course Through a Genre-Oriented Approach at a School in Colombia 110 42 0 1 153
Exploring English Teachers’ Perceptions About Peer-Coaching as a Professional Development Activity of Knowledge Construction 127 22 0 4 153
The Lingua Franca Core: A Plausible Option? 128 15 0 8 151
Classroom Management and Novice Language Teachers: Friend or Foe? 126 19 0 3 148
A Didactic Proposal for EFL in a Public School in Cali 138 8 0 0 146
Developing Learner Autonomy Through Project Work in an ESP Class 126 12 0 0 138
Analyzing Student Perceptions on Translanguaging: A Case Study of a Puerto Rican University Classroom 105 29 0 2 136
Reflections on Educational Issues among Modern Language Students 129 2 0 5 136
EFL Student-Teachers' Identity Construction: A Case Study in Chile 61 68 0 5 134
Authentic Tasks to Foster Oral Production Among English as a Foreign Language Learners 94 22 0 11 127
Just in Time Teaching: A Strategy to Encourage Students’ Engagement 107 11 0 4 122
Reading Logs and Literature Teaching Models in English Language Teacher Education 87 33 0 0 120
Students’ Needs Analysis in an EFL Program for University Professors 101 14 0 4 119
EFL in Public Schools in Mexico: Dancing Around the Ring? 94 12 0 3 109
Online Peer-Tutoring: A Renewed Impetus for Autonomous English Learning 89 9 0 5 103
The Relationship among Iranian EFL Teachers’ Professional Identity, Self-Efficacy and Critical Thinking Skills 76 8 0 7 91
EFL Teacher Professionalism and Identity: Between Local/Global ELT Tensions 66 23 0 2 91
Influence of Contextual Factors on EFL Mexican Teachers’ Beliefs and the Use of Textbooks 79 9 0 1 89
On Becoming a Good English Language Learner: An Exploratory Case Study 47 36 0 0 83
Standardized Test Results: An Opportunity for English Program Improvement 67 7 0 8 82
Personal Narratives: A Pedagogical Proposal to Stimulate Language Students’ Writing 55 24 0 1 80
The Role of Blogs and Web Resources in Students' Autonomous Learning Awareness 72 5 0 2 79
From Therapy to Instruction: The Effect of Systemic Strategies on the Oral Performance of Foreign Language Learners 74 5 0 0 79
Principles of Self-Regulation in EFL mediated by Dialogic Tutoring Sessions 55 9 0 15 79
Living the Teaching Practicum Within Dichotomies: The Story From Within When Implementing ICTs in the English Language Classroom 75 0 0 1 76
Revisiting the Need for Critical Research in Undergraduate Colombian English Language Teaching 60 13 0 2 75
Reflections on Critical Incidents of EFL Teachers During Career Entry in Central Mexico 63 3 0 6 72
Using Personal Portable Devices as Learning Tools in the English Class 67 2 0 1 70
The Comparative Effect of Teaching Collocations through Literary vs. Non-Literary Content on EFL Learners 54 10 0 6 70
Points of Improvement: Reflective Strategy to Support Chilean EFL Pre-Service Teachers' Lesson Planning 58 9 0 3 70
Fostering Autonomy Through Syllabus Design: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success 40 27 0 1 68
Use of the Genre-Based Approach to Teach Expository Essays to English Pedagogy Students 34 28 0 4 66
Unveiling EFL and Self-Contained Teachers’ Discourses on Bilingualism Within the Context of Professional Development 56 6 0 4 66
Using SFL as a Tool for Analyzing Students' Narratives 58 7 0 0 65
The Influence of Peer Assessment and the Use of Corpus for the Development of Speaking Skills in In-Service Teachers 62 3 0 0 65
The Design of a Theme-Based and Genre-Oriented Strategic Reading Course to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills at a Public School in Colombia 46 11 0 6 63
Culture Teaching in Historical Review: On the Occasion of ASOCOPI’s Fiftieth Anniversary 56 4 0 1 61
Materials Development in the Colombian Context: Some Considerations About Its Benefits and Challenges 0 19 0 40 59
Using a Systemic Functional Genre-Based Approach to Promote a Situated View of Academic Writing Among EFL Pre-service Teachers 46 8 0 5 59
High School Students’ Affective Reaction to English Speaking Activities 40 12 0 6 58
Mentor Texts and the Coding of Academic Writing Structures: A Functional Approach 54 1 0 1 56
Designing Language Assessments in Context: Theoretical, Technical, and Institutional Considerations 37 7 0 5 49
Was I Being Critical? Vision and Action in English Language Teacher Education 38 2 0 7 47
English Language Teacher Educator Interactional Styles: Heterogeneity and Homogeneity in the ELTE Classroom 31 15 0 0 46
Tracking the Path of Communities of Inquiry in TEFL: A Literature Review 33 8 0 4 45
More Than Half a Century Teaching EFL in Colombian secondary schools: Tracing Back Our Footprints to Understand the Present 39 4 0 0 43
The Socialization of a Novice Teacher of English: Becoming an Agent of Change 22 18 0 2 42
Analysis of the Teaching Practices at a Colombian Foreign Language Institute and Their Effects on Students’ Communicative Competence 34 3 0 1 38
Laying the Foundations for Video-Game Based Language Instruction for the Teaching of EFL 26 8 0 2 36
How Novice EFL Teachers Regulate Their Negative Emotions 30 5 0 1 36
Learners’ Perceptions and Undergraduate Foreign Language Courses at a Colombian Public University 19 12 0 4 35
The Relationship Between Cognitive Styles and Young Adult Learners’ Preferences for Written Corrective Feedback 30 2 0 3 35
From Transnational Language Policy Transfer to Local Appropriation: The Case of the National Bilingual Program in Medellín, Colombia 30 3 0 0 33
Learners’ Satisfaction in Two Foreign Language Teacher Education Programs: Are We Doing Our Homework? 24 6 0 2 32
Con Confianza: The Emergence of the Zone of Proximal Development in a University ESL Course 16 12 0 0 28
Editorial 8 19 0 0 27
Coursebook Dependency in Secondary and Tertiary-Level EFL Teachers 14 7 0 6 27
Collaborative Work and Language Learners’ Identities When Editing Academic Texts 17 3 0 6 26
Creating a Pedagogical Space that Fosters the (Re)Construction of Self Through Life Stories of Pre-Service English Language Teachers 23 2 0 0 25
Editorial 9 15 0 0 24
Editorial 7 16 0 0 23
EFL Students’ Perceptions of Social Issues in Famous Works of Art 18 3 0 0 21
Editorial 8 12 0 0 20
Editorial 5 15 0 0 20
Editorial 6 14 0 0 20
A Narrative Inquiry Into Pre-Service English Teachers’ Temporal Investments in Their Initial Education Curriculum 9 8 0 3 20
Editorial 5 13 0 0 18
Exploring Two EFL Teachers’ Narrative Events Regarding Vocabulary Teaching and Learning 16 0 0 2 18
Challenges of the HOW Journal in Spreading Teachers’ Works in Times of Ranking Pressures 6 2 0 1 9
Review of the Book Understanding Language Classroom Contexts: The Starting Point for Change 6 2 0 0 8
Identity Construction and Reversal Conceptual Transfer Among Iranian EFL Learners 4 2 0 2 8
Characterizing ASOCOPI: Its Affiliates, Ideals, and Contributions 5 2 0 0 7
Editorial 6 1 0 0 7
Editorial 5 0 0 0 5
Editorial 2 1 0 0 3
Moving Forward, in Times of Reforms in the Evaluation of Scientific Journals 2 0 0 0 2
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