SciELO Analytics (Beta)
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População (0102-3098)
Autonomia, gênero e gravidez na adolescência: uma análise comparativa da experiência de adolescentes e mulheres jovens provenientes de camadas médias e populares em Belo Horizonte

Received Citations (7)

publishing year previous first author document title
2016 Revista Enfermagem UERJ Penna, Lucia Helena Garcia Empowerment of female adolescents at shelters: sexual health in terms of the Theoretical Model of Nola Pender
2019 Reme: Revista Mineira de Enfermagem Silva, Marielle Jeani Prasnievski da EMBARAZO EN LA ADOLESCENCIA: USO DE MÉTODOS ANTICONCEPTIVOS Y SUS DISCONTINUIDADES
2017 Temas em Psicologia Fontenele, Luciana Queiroz Adolescence(s): productions and discussive crossings in analysis
2017 Trends in Psychology Fontenele, Luciana Queiroz Adolescence(s): Productions and Discussive Crossings in Analysis
2018 Saúde e Sociedade Oka, Mateus Between sex and gender: an exploratory bibliographic study of health sciences
2016 Revista Psicologia e Saúde Santos, Natiely Lara Borges La percepción de madres adolescentes sobre su proceso de embarazo
2018 Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Macedo, Cibele Monteiro Estrategias de enfrentamiento de la violencia doméstica contra adolescentes embarazadas: revisión integrativa
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This tool is under development and it was published with the objective to test the usage and performance. All the indicators are real and they are gradually being loaded. Slowness and out of service problems may occur in this version.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.