SciELO Analytics (Beta)
Saúde Pública
Revista de Salud Pública (0124-0064)
Apoyo social dignificante del adulto mayor institucionalizado. Medellín, 2008

Received Citations (5)

publishing year previous first author document title
2017 Gerokomos Laguado Jaimes, Elveny Functionality and degree of dependence on elderly home care centers in welf
2019 Colombia Médica Curcio, Carmen-Lucia Maltrato en adultos mayores colombianos y su asociación con condiciones socioeconómicas y funcionalidad
2015 Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica Agudelo-Suárez, Andrés A Mental health in older adults of a public hospital network of Medellin, Colombia
2019 Psicogente Pabón-Poches, Daysy Katherine Older adults at risk of abuse: content validity of a scale
2013 MEDISAN Fong Estrada, Juana Adela Evaluation of social resources in aged patients admitted in the Geriatrics Service
This tool is under development and it is available in Beta Test version
This tool is under development and it was published with the objective to test the usage and performance. All the indicators are real and they are gradually being loaded. Slowness and out of service problems may occur in this version.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.