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Revista de Salud Pública (0124-0064)
Incidencia y Evitabilidad de Eventos Adversos en Pacientes Hospitalizados en tres Instituciones Hospitalarias en Colombia, 2006

Received Citations (14)

publishing year previous first author document title
2017 Revista Salud Uninorte Achury Saldaña, Diana Characterization of adverse events reported in nursing care units intensive Bogotá (Colombia)
2012 Enfermería Global Parra, D.I. Adverse events arising from nursing care: phlebitis, pressure ulcers and falls
2015 Enfermería universitaria Zárate-Grajales, R. Factors related to nursing-reported adverse events in intensive care units: Multicenter project
2009 Revista de Salud Pública Fernández-Castillo, Antonio Professional opinion about hospitalising Latin-American immigrant children in Andalucía, Spain
2016 Revista médica de Chile Lavanderos, Sebastián Ethical dilemmas about disclosure of errors in medicine
2017 Acta Medica Colombiana Parrado, Fabián Andrés Implementation of a security protocol in the administration of chemotherapy in the hematology Department of a fourth level hospital
2012 CES Medicina PALACIOS-BARAHONA, ARLEX URIEL Factors associated with adverse events in hospitalized patients in a health institution of Colombia
2012 Enfermería Global Parra, D.I. Adverse events arising from nursing care: phlebitis, pressure ulcers and falls
2019 Revista Argentina de Salud Pública Barragán, Santiago Adverse Event Detection in a Hospital Clinic Ward through an Active Methodology
2013 Revista Colombiana de Cirugía Amaya, Ana Carolina Team work as a contributing factor on the incidence of medical errors or adverse events
2019 Colombian Journal of Anestesiology Estrada-Orozco, Kelly Eventos reportables hospitalarios: incidencia y factores contribuyentes en el servicio de cirugía de un hospital de alta complejidad en Bogotá, Colombia, 2017
2013 Revista de la Sociedad Boliviana de Pediatría Mira, José Joaquín Key elements in implementing adverse event notification systems in Latin American hospitals
2015 Revista Colombiana de Anestesiología Amaya-Añas, Ana Carolina Efectividad de un programa para mejorar el trabajo en equipo en salas de cirugía
2021 Salud colectiva Villanueva, Ángel Humberto An analysis of medication errors in patients admitted to surgery rooms and post-anesthetic recovery at a high-complexity hospital in Bogota, Colombia
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