SciELO Analytics (Beta)
Documents filters
Publishing year

Subject area


Use licenses


About the chart

This chart shows the distribution of documents by use of license and publication year. The numbers relate to the collection or journal when a journal is selected. The availability of the license of the indicators depends on the adoption of the journal collection or selected in creative commons licenses.

Subject areas


About the chart

This chart shows the distribution of documents by area of specialization and year of publication. The numbers relate to the collection or magazine when a document is selected. The total values of these documents in the graphics can not be considered as a value of total publications of the collection, because a document can be part of more than one area of expertise. This graphical is recommended for collecting indicators extraction.

Document types


About the chart

This chart shows the total of published documents by publication year and document type. The numbers are related to one collection or to one journal when it is selected.

Documents languages


About the chart

This chart shows the distribution of documents by language of publication and year of publication. The numbers are related to collection or journal when a journal is selected. The total values of documents of this chart can not be considered as the total publications of the collection once a document is published in more than one language.

Affiliation countries


About the chart

This chart show the total of documents by the affiliation country of the authors and the publication year. The numbers are related to the collection or the when a journal is selected. The total of documents of this chart can not be considered as the total of publications of the collection once the documents may have more than one affiliation country.

Received, granted and self citing


About the chart

This chart shows the distribution of citable and non citable documents related to the selected journal. According to the SciELO counting rules, citable documents must be of the types: "Research Article", "Review Article", "Data Article", "Case Report", "Brief Report", "Rapid Communication" and "Article Commentary". Other types of documents are considered not citable.
This tool is under development and it is available in Beta Test version
This tool is under development and it was published with the objective to test the usage and performance. All the indicators are real and they are gradually being loaded. Slowness and out of service problems may occur in this version.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.