SciELO Analytics (Beta)
Cadernos de Saúde Pública (0102-311X)
Avaliação e incorporação de tecnologias em saúde: processo e metodologia adotados por um hospital universitário de alta complexidade assistencial

Received Citations (7)

publishing year previous first author document title
2019 Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva CABRAL, MARIANA POMPÍLIO GOMES “Having cancer changed my life”: Luiza's cartography in the micropolitics of cancer care networks
2017 Revista Enfermagem UERJ Rafael, Ricardo de Mattos Russo Health Belief Model and cervical cancer screening: assessing vulnerabilities
2015 Rev Rene Silva, Márcia Aparecida dos Santos Factors related to non-adherence to the realization of the Papanicolaou test
2021 Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População Fernandes, Noêmia Fernanda Santos Challenges for prevention and treatment of cervico-uterine cancer in Northeast Brazil
2015 Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva Aguilar, Rebeca Pinheiro Barriers to pap smear: prospects for users and professionals of the Family Health Strategy in Vitória da Conquista-BA
2019 Cadernos de Saúde Pública Fernandes, Noêmia Fernanda Santos Acceso a la citología de cuello de útero en una región de salud: mujeres invisibles y cuerpos vulnerables
2018 Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem Fernandes, Elionara Teixeira Boa Sorte Cervical cancer prevention among quilombola women in the light of Leininger’s theory
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This tool is under development and it was published with the objective to test the usage and performance. All the indicators are real and they are gradually being loaded. Slowness and out of service problems may occur in this version.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.